Main Content

Our Mission

The Portland-Metro People’s Coalition aims to build the collective power of all communities here, particularly those historically denied resources, justice and democratic control over their own lives. We need a government that is transparent, accountable and run by the people to secure economic and social justice and a healthy and environmentally sustainable city, county and metro. To make this vision a reality we intend to engage with the political process from an independent base of power. Our goal is to strengthen popular movements striving for a just, egalitarian and liberatory society for all.

We urge all grassroots groups in our region to join us!

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Case Studies


In Jackson, Mississippi, a deindustrialized, majority African-American city, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is organizing to build dual power through people’s assemblies and a network of worker cooperatives: Cooperation Jackson. They also critically engage with electoral politics. In 2017, Chokwe Antar Lumumba won the mayor’s seat on the Jackson People’s Platform.


In this Bay Area working-class majority-POC town dominated by a Chevron refinery, the Richmond Progressive Alliance ran a slate of candidates that did not accept corporate contributions, organized at the grassroots level and now has a majority on the city council, winning rent control, anti-racial profiling measures, municipal I.D. cards, and the most progressive police […]


In 2014, Barcelona en Comú emerged from grassroots social movements and occupations of public spaces to organize a social movement for radical democracy centered in the city, to win power and govern in more inclusive, participatory, transparent and accountable ways. In 2015, Ada Colau, a housing rights activist, was elected as mayor, along with other […]

People’s Platform

Twenty local organizations and coalitions unanimously ratified the Portland-Metro People’s Bill of Rights and Policy Platform (the “People’s Platform”) at the inaugural Portland-Metro People’s Convention on April 14, 2018.

The Bill of Rights offers a positive vision of a Portland-Metro area that’s a healthy, nurturing and thriving place for everyone and every community who calls it home—not just an enclave of the 1%. It was built in consultation with dozens of organizers in the Portland-Metro area since the 2016 election and is a living document that can be changed over time.

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Budget Lab

Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty and Reverend William Barber of the Poor People’s Campaign call budgets moral statements that must reflect the values of the public. Yet, while the Portland metro region is booming with wealth, we are told time and again there is no money to fund community needs. Why is our money […]


Saturday, April 14, 2018, 10 – 3 pm SEIU Local 503, 6401 SE Foster Rd. Portland, OR 97206 Thank you for joining us at the inaugural Portland-Metro People’s Convention.  Together we unanimously passed the Portland-Metro People’s Bill of Rights and 2018 Policy Platform!  Please visit the Platform page for more information. 350PDX AFSCME Local 88 Alliance for […]

Electoral Forum

On October 6, 2018, the PMPC held its first Electoral Forum, with speakers from each of the ballot measures. We also produced a Voter Guide. PMPC Electoral Forums are an opportunity to learn about the measures but also to understand how they are interrelated. The 2018 ballot contained two distinct visions of our future: one […]